Exercise in re-aligning the team togetherRecently got to work on a website relaunch for the agency that I was interning at. We began working from mockup and sketches from the…Jan 16, 2020Jan 16, 2020
Concept health tracking app for Dove.Deep dive into empathy with research techniques while following lean UX principles.Feb 28, 2019Feb 28, 2019
What’s Blockchain got to do with it?I signed up to attend the 5th Annual London Blockchain hackathon event organised by Fintech Worldwide on the 8th of Feb 2019. By using…Feb 18, 2019Feb 18, 2019
Published inPrototyprDesigning my first UX concept project: Tandu — travel and youUnderstanding the core UX concepts and Visual Design techniquesJan 12, 2019Jan 12, 2019